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Kevlar® Soft Armor10"x12" Sapi cut and Fiberglass 10"x12" Shooter Cut Insert NIJ IIIA

SKU KEVFB-10x12SapiCombo
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Kevlar® Soft Armor10"x12" Sapi cut and Fiberglass 10"x12" Shooter Cut Insert NIJ IIIA

Product Details
Threat Level Rating: NIJ IIIA UL752 Level 3
Model: KEVFB-10x12SapiCombo

One Kevlar NIJ 0101.06 Level IIIA Soft Armor 10"x12" SAPI Cut

One Fiberglass Flat 10"x12" SAPI Cut UL 752 Level 3 vest insert.

Kevlar® XP™ Soft Flexible SAPI Cut Bullet Resistant Armor Insert: Our 29-layer Kevlar® XP™ inserts weigh only 1 pound each and are 1/2" thick. Covered in a Durable Black Marine Grade Fabric with Water Repellant Coating. Kevlar insert size is 10” x 12” and has a SAPI angled cut to fit most plate carrier designs or backpacks. Rated NIJ IIIA with added layers for additional Back-Face Deformation Protection. Fits most any Plate Carrier that accommodates 10” x 12” Plates. Stops Super Powered Handguns 44mag, 357mag, 9mm and is 100% Dupont ® Kevlar® XP™.

Fiberglass Flat 10"x12" SAPI Cut Insert UL752 Level 3. One Fiberglass Flat SAPI Cut Bullet Resistant Armor Inserts, these are not flexible, and the Fiberglass insert size is 10” x 12” and has a SAPI angled cut to fit most plate carrier designs or backpacks. UL 752 Level 3 Specifications: Application Most commonly used protection against handguns of superpower, such as the .44 Magnum, and the like, with muzzle energy of 971-1175 foot-pounds (1317-1593J).

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